好德 Better Choice,一個專注於提供高品質衛浴和廚具產品的品牌。
- 嚴選產品:我們精心挑選進口品牌的衛浴產品,確保品質和性能達到最高標準,讓客戶放心選購。
- 一站式服務:從選擇合適的產品到安裝,我們提供全方位的服務,讓客戶無需擔心任何繁瑣的環節。
- 專業顧問:我們擁有一支專業的顧問團隊,為客戶提供量身定制的衛浴解決方案,讓他們的家居空間更具品味。
- 優質客服:我們致力於提供卓越的客戶服務,確保客戶在選購、安裝和使用過程中得到最佳的支援。
德國品牌的高品質和設計一直是消費者所追求的,同一個品牌下的零料件大部分是共通相容的,原廠不需要生產無數特規零件,能夠有效降低客戶取得零件之成本。例如 Hansgrohe 品牌的龍頭料件,原廠精心地將所有零件模組化,並且保證零件供應年限長達10年,不怕日後無料件維修:
(非假日之週一至週五,9:30~12:00, 13:30~17:00 )
地址:台北市大安區復興南路二段237號13F (地址為行政營運辦公室)
About Us
Our mission:
To provide customers with high-quality imported kitchen and bath fixtures and accessories at reasonable prices.Founded in 2016, Better Choice is run by BCH Trading, Ltd. as an e-commerce business with no physical storefront.Our order processing is simple. For most products, after receiving customers’ orders, our authorized dealers will purchase them from manufacturers and then ship directly to Taiwan. With significantly-reduced storage costs and retail rents, we pride ourselves on offering competitive prices to our customers.
Direct imports from Europe
All products listed on the Better Choice website come from authorized dealers in Europe or Taiwan. Product pricing, images, and texts are provided by the stores.
Some brands, such as Bette, Geberit, Hafele, and Linero-MosaiQ, have Taiwanese suppliers and are covered by a one-year warranty. Faucets and hardware are mostly direct imports. Customers can order fixtures and accessories (excluding home maintenance and repairs) from manufacturers at cost for a period of five years.
Quality and design that surpass other brands
German brands are required by local laws to manufacture materials for ten years, so you’ll never have to worry about finding parts that are no longer produced.
With one hundred years of accumulated experience and superior industrial design, products under certain brands typically have compatible parts that can be used across different models. Since manufacturers don’t have to produce a large number of specialized parts, this effectively lowers material costs for customers.
The above image shows a comprehensive Hansgrohe faucet materials list, detailing every part’s installation location and number. Manufacturers can supply parts as long as the part number is provided.